
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Ugly Truth

Tell me the truth,

Do people love me more than I love myself,
Or value you me more than I value myself,
Or are they valuing themselves and their benefit for my presence?

Tell me the truth God,

Will I ever get out of this cycle?
Will I stop treating myself as a servant, an achiever of everyone else's happiness but my own?
Will I ever stop shelving my plans, goals, and dearest dreams?
Will I let go of this persistent need to please everyone I care about?

Tell me if I am wrong,

I only pretend to love and care for myself, but deep down, I mean nothing to me. 

Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Great March

Hello Again Surfers,

So Since 2017, I had developed an important habit every December, cutting off from all sources of Social Media, which usually even included instant messaging applications. It always helped me clear out my soul and mind, detoxify. I couldn't do it in 2019. It was difficult as I had to travel for my brother's marriage and it would have been very difficult to contact people back home who couldn't have made it to the wedding and update them with.. wedding catastrophies and mostly pictures and videos of the events. I didn't have the heart to do it. And I highly regret it because I am becoming a disaster right now, I feel so toxic. Body, mind and soul.

So I'm shifting my Happy December to become my Great March. It only makes sense as its my birth month. It makes sense because I am on the verge of a break down. It will help me focus, hyperfocus. I'm not an ADHD but sometimes I get the feeling that I am, maybe not physically but sort of mentally. Its very difficult for me to focus and go through with something that I have set my mind to. I fall through for a couple of days and then I quickly get distracted. Now add Social Media to that. It makes it impossible for me to achieve anything in life, and I am a dreamer! I have a million goal and a million idea and a million plan.

I'm not sure if I have written about this here before, but a few months ago, I had given up on my current career. I decided it wasn't for me, I wasn't happy with it anymore and it started draining me. I took a test, a personality/career test. Based on many long MCQs, it tells you what you could do for a living, and all the things that were on it are things that I am passionate about. I had made a plan to develop myself in two of those choices before my 30th birthday, and that would have been the day that I quit my job. I have a feeling now that this day will come sooner than I planned. But I am dedicating the Great March for this plan. I have exactly 2 years and 12 days from today, to become the person I want to be. 

So as of 12 AM this night, I am deleting all social media apps for 31 days. It's time for my #SoulRehab again.

So long Surfers, 