Dear Surfers,
Its been a while, but that has been the case with every single article I post. And there's nothing to blame for that but myself, my laziness, and the fact that I have never properly invested my time in doing the things I love to do until now. You all can see a list of to-dos, or more like "to-learn", from a couple of years ago, and when I disappear after each post you must be thinkin' "Oh, this girl's out there living her life and doing all the things she planned to do and learning how to do them". Well I'm not. I might have done a thing or two, or planned to do them, because that's all I knew what to do, but I haven't achieved what I would really love to achieve.
The thing is, I woke up a couple of weeks ago in dispair. I suddenly realised that 1- what I do for a living is not what I really wanna do for a living. 2- I've been planning for the things I want to become or side businesses I want to start without real actions. And 3- this is taking me in circles and I am going nowhere!
Now this freaked the hell out of me. Ok, now I've always loved math, and in college, there was no subject that I enjoyed more than accounting. Hold on that's a lie, I loved psychology and religions of the world and enjoyed them way more but these were electives. But I knew that when I graduate, I wanted to be a full time accountant, I even wanted to take specialised certifications in that field. And now that I am an accountant, I would do anything to get out of that job without having to quit again.
So I started to ask myself some questions. What do I want to do for a living? To answer that I needed to dig into myself and find out what I enjoy doing, as hobbies!, which I could still turn into a valuable skill and therefore a career and source of living. I could have answered that to myself easily. But I decided that I couldn't take the risk of making another mistake in making such a decision at my age, and realising years later again that I have made the wrong choice and have to start all over again. I turned to what I like to call my "Uncle Google". He gave me a career test, which enlightened me to something called the "Myers-Briggs 16 personality types". The career test was basically a personality test, once a personality type was defined for you, you get ideas of what you might be good at.
Now here's the funny part, three of the career recommendations for the 2 types I turned out to be a mix of, are three things I have already "PLANNED" to invest myself into. But none of those plans have yet seen the light, they might have seen a glimpse of it, but not the full thing yet.
So here's the bottom line. Here's the moral of this continuous blabbering of mine. Here's what I would like each one of you to keep engraved in your minds and your children's minds, and your siblings and your friends and anyone you find in a position of choosing a career or being lost not knowing where to start. Wait, what was I trying to say?
JK, keep in your mind that a life changing decision should always be done after a proper research. Dig into yourself and you will find the answer within you. Don't make hasty decisions that will make you end up depressed, like I am right now. Take your time and make sure to do something you love, because if you don't like what you do then you wouldn't wanna continue doing it.
And after 9 years made of 6 jobs, yes that's alot of getting bored and switching jobs, I realised this is why I was getting bored! I freakin' hate my job.
After I've blabbered my heart out to you surfers, let me leave you with a quote:
"If you want to be successful, its just this simple. Know what you are doing, love what you are doing, and believe in what you are doing." ~ Will Rogers
Surf Safely,