I wanted to create a blog and I had no idea what the h**l I'm gonna write in it. It took me a while to actually decide to go through with it. I had a million idea. And I'm going to put my million ideas in it.
The blog will be everything I think about, everything I dream about, everything I want!
I just realized that I haven't introduced myself .. How rude of me!
I'm Salma Al Blushi, born and raised in UAE. I am a businesswoman, I own a chain of stores in the country and I'm considering going global soon. I am a photographer and I adore art, which is why I opened a gallery as well. I am a writer, an aspiring one you might say as I've just published my first book "My thoughts in my Words".
I wish! :P .. Nothing but the first sentence of that was true, the rest is just dreams of mine that I wanna succeed. I'm only 20 how can I be all of that already?!
Anyways.. So the blog is gonna be me basically. What I think, how I see things, my perspective of things and people, and my experiences.
This is gonna be the place where I get to be myself, where I don't have to act to satisfy other people's needs.
I hope you guys enjoy the bulls**t I write and keep reading. I'd hate to be talking to myself here. I'm not that crazy after all ;P
That's it for now.
Surf Safely,